
Biochemistry (M.Sc.)

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Your feedback on OSA M.Sc. Biochemistry

How did you like the OSA M.Sc. Biochemistry? Please fill out the short survey below. Your opinion is very important to us and it will help us further improve the Freie Universität OSA project.

The survey is anonymous, no personal data is collected.

1. Informativeness

Please evaluate the OSA M.Sc. Biochemistry according to the following criteria.

If you have skipped some parts, please select the “not processed” option on the right end of the scale.

After going through the OSA M.Sc. Biochemistry ...


somewhat true

somewhat false


not processed

... I feel well informed about the key contents of the program.

... I feel well informed about the structure of the program (study areas). 

... I feel well informed about the requirements of the program (e.g. methodological skills).

... I gained insight into the campus and university life (e.g. thanks to the interviews with current students or exemplary time-tables).

... I feel well informed about studying at Freie Universität Berlin in general (e.g. academic fields, opportunities for studying abroad).

... I feel well informed about professional prospects after graduating from the program.

Did you miss any information? If so, what would you like to be included?

2. Decision Support

Please indicate how much the OSA M.Sc. Biochemistry has helped you make a decision about what and where to study.

increased a lot

slightly increased

stayed the same

slightly decreased

decreased a lot

After going through the OSA M.Sc. Biochemistry my intention to choose this program has…

After going through the OSA M.Sc. Biochemistry my intention to study at Freie Universität Berlin has…

Please indicate briefly which information and which parts of the OSA M.Sc. Biochemistry have particularly influenced your decision:

3. General

Finally, we would like to learn your general opinion on the OSA project itself.

far too big

somewhat too big

just right

somewhat too small

far too small

The volume of the OSA M.Sc. Biochemistry is …

far too difficult

somewhat too difficult

just right

somewhat too easy

far too easy

The exemplary tasks of the OSA M.Sc. Biochemistry are ...

What did you particularly like about the OSA M.Sc. Biochemistry?

What did you dislike about the OSA M.Sc. Biochemistry?

For the evaluation purposes, we would also like to know how extensively you have worked with the OSA M.Sc. Biochemistry.

Please select the statement that applies best to you.

How did you learn about the OSA M.Sc. Biochemistry?

Several answers possible.

At what point of time / for which purpose did you use the OSA M.Sc. Biochemistry?



Please enter your age in two numbers (e.g. 18).

Is there anything else you would like to add?