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- In Internet Explorer, press the 'Alt' key to display the Menu bar, or press and hold the address bar and select 'Menu bar'.
- Click 'Tools' and select 'Compatibility View settings'.
- Select '' under 'Websites you've added to Compatibility View'.
- Click 'Remove'.
Exemplary Tasks
Here you will find some exemplary tasks that will help give you an impression of the content and thematic scope of the master's program. The questions are not meant as necessary background information that should be known before starting the program but are instead only examples of the topics which will be covered throughout the MCNB MSc program.
Five sections map the five streams of background knowledge the admission committee expects to see. Consult our website to learn more about the recommended background knowledge.
After completing a task, you can click on the Result button at the bottom of the page to receive feedback on your answers.